Tuesday, September 24, 2013

M age 46 seeks F 60-78

OkCupid logo 2012.png"Bravo on an interesting profile, and for being open to seeing a somewhat younger man," the message from "desire4mature" on OK Cupid began. "There is no better match when it all comes together between the right older woman and younger man. He will be a lucky man. I admire from afar, and I wish you well."

Afar? Yes, really afar. My suitor, "desire4mature," is 46, M, straight, available, and lives in London, United Kingdom (5335 miles from me). His message intrigued me, though, so I read his profile. It echoed the views of many men who have written to me for advice about connecting with older women -- but with such an articulate flair that I wrote to ask him for permission to quote from it. Here are some excerpts, with his permission:

...I seek a mature, ageless, energetic woman for undeniable chemistry...physical, emotional, and intellectual chemistry ...  

You are better today than you have ever been, more alive, more free, more wise and more sensual, still with unquenched desires. You are most likely over 60, completely ageless in mind and spirit, smart, well-preserved and fun.  

Are you are bursting with energy, but have difficulty finding a man your age who can match your liveliness? Do you want someone whom with whom you can be your true self, free and at ease, knowing you are accepted and desired no matter your age, with someone who accepts you as you are who sees your age and youthfulness and wisdom as assets to be treasured? ... Can you envision yourself in a passionate and intense love affair with a smart, youthful man who sees you as the beautiful and amazing woman you have become, who values your wisdom and life experience and zest and passion, who can harness your deep sensuality and match your desire, with no insecurities, welcoming you to realize your true Goddess nature?  If so, I would love to know you. 

You will feel and welcome my desire for you, for the woman you are today, not the woman you were 20 or 30 years ago. We both know how much better you are now, smarter, wiser, more accepting and free, more sensual and appreciative, more full of zest and life .... 

"So how is that working for you?" I had to ask him, explaining that my inquiry was less from prurient interest than from wanting to inform those of you who keep asking me about how to meet older women. Is a dating site like OK Cupid a good place?

"desire4mature" listed for me the many categories of women who would not respond to his ad, or who would not interest him, leaving a precious few who became his friends and then lovers. He said in an email,

It is a very rare woman that I end up talking to for a longer periods of time and then meeting and becoming lovers. Sexual health is very important too, so again, it's rare to get to that point for me, but I have, and have gloriously been rewarded to have known or know a small handful of truly amazing, incredible, sensual and beautifully sexual women, all 20 to 33 years older than me. I love and cherish them and always will.

My questions to my readers:

If you're the older woman, could you see yourself getting involved with a man like this one? What sort of screening test would you use to decide whether he was sincere and a good potential bed partner?

If you're the younger man, have you tried using an online dating site to find an older women who might be a good match for you?

If you're a man of our generation, what do you offer women our age that a younger man does not?

I welcome your comments.


Update 10/7/2013: I just received yet another email from a young man -- this one is 25 -- who wants to date "a granny." (I understand that in other countries, this isn't an offensive term -- though it makes me cringe.) His request for my advice had no caps, and many words were abbreviated ("frm," "lyk," "sm1," "whoz," "plz," for example). If he won't even take the time to communicate with me correctly, why would I think he has something to offer a woman my age?

Young men -- it's not that we're not savvy enough to read your text-speak -- we can read it. But approaching us this way does not make you appealing or interesting.  (For more info and a bit of ranting about this, please see this 2009 post.)

As always, I welcome your candid and thoughtful comments.*

* However, as always, do not try to hijack my readers to a toy store, escort service, porn site, or any site I haven't endorsed. Those comments are deleted before seeing the light of day. I wish the spammers would stop making me cranky.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Your Best Senior Sex Tip?

I've been sitting here working on my new book, The Ultimate Guide to Sex after Fifty, sharing all the best tips I know for enhancing sexual pleasure at our age.

I'll bet you've got some advice yourself for our generation, too. Would you share it with my readers and with our community here?

For example:

  • If your body and your sexual responsiveness have changed, what have you discovered to rev up your responses again?
  • If it became difficult to communicate with a partner about what one of you needed, how did you break through the impasse?
  • If you and your partner stopped having sex, how did you get back on track or make other satisfying arrangements?
  • What's the best advice you got from a therapist, sex educator, or medical professional about making lackluster sex better?
  • How have you worked around the problems that threatened to derail your sex life?
  • What have you done to make solo sex especially enjoyable?
  • What have you discovered that you think would help others of our age, too?
  • What do you wish you'd done differently?

These topics are just a start. You know what would be helpful to our community.

If you're over 50, partnered or solo, any gender, please share your best tip(s) either by writing a comment on this blog or by emailing me privately if you prefer.

By responding to this request, you're agreeing that I may quote your advice. I won't use your name or identify you in any way. (If you're a sex educator, author, therapist, or medical professional and you want me to use your name, let me know that, and be sure I have all your contact info so I can follow up.)

Thank you!

(Attention comment spammers and site/product promoters: No, this is not your chance to sneak in an oily link to a site or product that I do not endorse. Don't. Even. Try. If you're trying to drum up business by pulling readers to your site or a product that I do not recommend, stop now. Don't make me cranky by causing me extra work checking your links and deleting your comment.)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Is This Blog Valuable to You? If so...

Every year, the delightful Rori -- sassy, submissive blogger at Between My Sheets -- takes on a monumental task. She asks people who enjoy reading sex-themed blogs to nominate their favorite sex bloggers. She gets hundreds of nominations.

Then Rori, sometimes aided by guest judges and sometimes not, reads every blog that has been nominated, and she selects and ranks the 100 best of the year.

I've had the honor of being nominated and judged worthy of being on this list all four of the past years: #21 in 2009; #10 (!) in 2010; #14 in 2011; and #30 in 2012. I feel particularly honored because this is the only senior sex blog on the list, and one of the few that is educational rather than erotic.

Now I'm doing my annual begging: If you find this blog valuable to you, would you please nominate "Joan Price's sex & aging blog: http://www.NakedAtOurAge.com" on Rori's 2013 nominations page here?

Thank you!
Between My Sheets

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Senior Sex & Vibrators: Myths & Facts

I updated this published post because you continue to ask me intriguing questions about sex toys, both out loud and by email. I continue to hear some misconceptions I'd like to clear up. As always, I welcome your comments.

Q: Doesn't using a vibrator decrease sensitivity in women over time so we won't have orgasms as easily?

A: Actually, it's the opposite. As women's bodies age, we get less blood flow to the clitoris and vagina, and the vaginal walls get thinner. Most of us need more arousal time and more time to reach orgasm after we're aroused. Vibrators enhance sensitivity by increasing blood flow to the genitals quickly and powerfully, and by directly stimulating the clitoris. (The clitoris is our #2 pleasure hot spot -- #1 is our brain!)

A well-chosen, well-placed vibrator can mean the difference between an orgasm -- and no orgasm. The more orgasms we have, the more easily we reach orgasm the next time. So using a vibrator to get us over the edge actually enhances sensitivity and ease of reaching orgasm.

Q: My husband is worried that if I use a vibrator, I'll prefer it to him. (Another version of this question that I receive from men: I've heard that once a woman gets a vibrator, it's bye bye Charlie -- no way I can compete with that thing.) 

A: Not a chance. A vibrator may give quicker orgasms (that's what it's made for, after all), but it doesn't cuddle well or kiss or laugh, and pillow talk with a vibrator is really boring. It either buzzes or it doesn't. It's a dull companion -- except when we need a sexual assist.

If a woman prefers a sex toy to the exclusion of her lover, it's a signal that there's a bigger problem in the relationship than sex toys.

Q: My man says I should reach orgasm "naturally" and not have to use a sex toy. But I just can't come during intercourse unless I add my vibrator at the right moment.

A: I hate those "should's." Most women do not come through intercourse alone, and that gets truer the older we get. Point out to him where his penis contacts you during intercourse vs. where your clitoris resides.

And when he arouses you manually, which I hope he does, point out that he's less likely to get carpal tunnel syndrome from your long arousal time if he incorporates a vibrator in arousal play.

That's right, it's not a choice between him or it -- make it a threesome: the two of you using the vibrator together.

Q: Are there any good sex toys for senior men?

A: Oh, yes! Male bodies have the same issues as female bodies with different visible results -- decreased blood flow and hormonal changes make it more difficult to get or sustain an erection. Men may need longer arousal time and extra stimulation.

There are sex toys made especially for penises, such as masturbation sleeves and cock rings. A prostate stimulator can make a huge difference in sexual enjoyment. A cock ring placed on the erect penis can help keep the blood from draining away.

If this is new to you, please visit an education-focused sex toy store such as the ones I recommend and ask a staff person to help you understand what the toys do.

Q: I had two friends who burned themselves with sex toys. Aren't they dangerous?

A: The cheaper ones are cheap for a reason. They generally have no quality standards in materials or construction -- they're called "novelty items," and I don't recommend them.

If your eyes widen at the price of the vibrators I recommend on this blog, consider that I only recommend safe products of medical-grade materials, careful construction, and the best design and function for our older (still sexually passionate!) bodies.

You're paying for research and development and high-quality material that won't degrade, melt, leach nasty chemicals into your body, break, overheat, or burn. That's also why I recommend shopping in woman-friendly sex shops (brick-and-mortar or online) with an emphasis on health and education, like the ones I link to.

Q: You recommend going into a sex toy store and asking questions. But when I do, I see workers who are the age of my grandchildren! I'd be horrified to talk about sex with them.

A:  I'm often invited to visit education-focused sex toy stores to help the staff understand our needs better. I'm always impressed by how well-trained they are already, and how seriously they take their mission to provide sex education to everyone.

We mistakenly assume that if they're the age of our grandchildren, (a) they don't know much; and (b) we can't possibly talk about our sexual concerns with them.

But in reality, they're smart, well-educated "sex nerds" -- meaning that they find sex information the most fascinating topic ever. They have knowledge that will help us enrich our sex lives. They want us to feel comfortable asking them questions. It's up to us to meet them with a smile and a question, and give them a chance to help us.

Please see my many other posts about sex toys here, including reviews of specific products, with links to retailers I personally endorse because they value women and men of our age and treat us well.

Note to retailers: Do not spam my comments section, because I'll delete any comment that takes my readers to a retail site I have not endorsed. (If you're noticing that there are fewer comments here than a day ago, I just caught another commenter who tried to hijack  you to a commercial retail site that I do not endorse. Sorry I missed it the first time.)  If you think you should be included in the retailers I endorse, contact me personally. Thank you.  -- Joan

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How can a younger person share sexual knowledge with you?

Next week, I'll have the pleasure of working in Minneapolis, giving three presentations at Smitten Kitten: two public workshops (register for these workshops here) and a staff training on sex and aging. I love sharing my knowledge with all of you, especially when my events are sponsored by sex-positive, education-oriented stores like Smitten Kitten.

One of the staff members sent me this question, and I'd like to open up the topic to comments from you:

I am 23 years old, and sometimes the oldest/most experienced person working at the store on a given day, but I feel that my age and the age of some of my co-workers makes us seem like we can't relate to older customers, and maybe even makes them feel more uncomfortable.

Usually if we can get past that and into a conversation people realize we all have a lot of knowledge to share, but is there a way to relate to older customer more quickly, or make them feel more at ease? I know that this is a question that there can't be one right answer for, but any tips would be helpful!

What a good question! Let me turn it over to you, readers.

Let's say you're going into a sexuality shop for either the first time, or with a question that embarrasses you. You look around, and all the sales people are about the age of your grandchildren.

  • How do/don't you want to be approached?
  • What is the right/wrong thing for a staffer to say to you?
  • How can a younger person help you feel more at ease talking about sexual concerns?
  • Do you start a conversation that's not about the real reason you're there before honing in on the real question?
  • What makes you decide whether or not you can bring up your real concern?
  • What questions do you wish you had the nerve to ask, but you don't?

A man I know was 67 when he gathered the courage to walk into a sexuality shop for the first time. He wanted to get advice about buying his first butt plug. He squeaked out the question to the tattooed, nose-ring wearing boy who barely seemed of legal age. The young man led him to the butt plug area of the store and calmly showed him various styles, explaining quietly and clearly which ones were best for novices, and why.

It was clear that (a) he knew his stuff; (b) this was his day job and no question surprised him; and (c) the older man was his valued customer, not an object of ridicule or amazement. The older man felt freer to ask more questions, and he ended up making a purchase that he enjoyed for years.

Would a calm, thorough, matter-of-fact explanation have worked to put you at ease, too?

If you're age 50+, what experiences -- good or bad -- have you had in sexuality shops? I'd love to hear from you.

(Please include your age answering any of these questions.)